Sinema Meets with McCain Fellowship for Freedom Cohort, Discusses Importance of Promoting Freedom

Aug 1, 2023

Continuing Senator John McCain’s legacy, the fellowship empowers global young leaders to promote democracies rooted in economic freedom

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema discussed with the McCain Fellowship for Freedom their commitment to promoting political and economic freedom in their countries.
“Senator John McCain – a personal hero of mine – knew that a strong democracy and a thriving economy are essential to any nation’s long-term prosperity. I’m grateful to meet these young leaders who are following in his footsteps,” said Sinema.
The McCain Fellowship for Freedom (MFF) brings young leaders from around the world to the U.S. for an exchange with policy makers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and others to gain insights and build networks necessary to fostering resilient democracies rooted in economic freedom.
In May, Sinema spoke at the annual McCain Institute Sedona Forum and highlighted the late Arizona Senator’s legacy of responsibly engaging in political discourse and restoring Americans’ confidence in our democracy.