Sinema Stresses Importance of Affordable, Reliable, & Clean Energy Future

Jun 5, 2023

Senator highlighted need for an efficient and responsible permitting system with the American Exploration and Production Council

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with members of the American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC) to discuss securing Arizona and America’s energy future by reforming the permitting system to advance responsible energy exploration and production.
“Prioritizing an all of the above energy approach strengthens our supply of oil, natural gas, and renewable energy – decreasing demand and lowering prices for Arizona families and businesses. We must work across the aisle to reform the permitting system to ensure a healthier, safer, and stronger America for generations to come,” said Sinema. 

Time and again, Sinema has stated that stakeholders across all parts of the supply chain – from mine, to processor, to manufacturer, to installation in a clean energy facility or defense application – need regulatory clarity and timeline certainty to achieve our shared energy and national security goals. The Senator has called for reducing barriers to the resources that will allow Arizonans to thrive in the future.

As a strong supporter of an all of the above energy approach, including mining in Arizona, Sinema works to ensure Arizona is at the forefront of providing the minerals and materials needed for energy security and independence. 
The Senator commissioned a task force through her leadership with the Arizona Defense and Industry Coalition to increase critical minerals and materials from recycling and reprocessing waste streams, and improving processing and refining capacity, while ensuring the highest environmental and social standards.
Sinema has led multiple bipartisan actions in Congress advancing the responsible production of energy and critical minerals, including introducing the bipartisan Mining Regulatory Clarity Act – legislation fixing a recent federal court ruling to protect responsible mining projects in Arizona and across the West, which are key to national security – and urging the Administration to designate copper as a critical mineral to ensure a secure and reliable supply in the interest of national security.
The AXPC is a national trade association representing the largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and production companies in the United States. AXPC works with regulators and policymakers to create fact-based public policies that result in the safe, responsible exploration and production of America’s vast oil and natural gas resources.
