Sinema Discusses Agricultural Priorities with Western Growers Association

May 17, 2023

Meeting is the latest in series of direct conversations with Arizona farmers, ranchers, and agricultural industry leaders ahead of the 2023 Farm Bill

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with the Western Growers Association to discuss securing Arizona agricultural needs and goals in the 2023 Farm Bill, as well as the opportunities and challenges facing the agricultural industry.
“From workforce shortages to record drought conditions, our agriculture community faces challenges that require real solutions. I’m working side-by-side with Arizona farmers, producers, and agricultural leaders like the Western Growers to deliver lasting results helping our state thrive for generations to come,” said Sinema.
During the meeting, Sinema emphasized her focus on securing as many wins as possible for Arizona growers, farmers, and ranchers in the upcoming bipartisan Farm Bill, such as improving drought monitoring and making conservation programs work better for the West.
The Senator has held consistent meetings with Arizona farmers, ranchers, and agricultural leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industry – including ongoing labor shortages, Arizona’s water supply and future, and the current border and immigration system. 
