Sinema at McCain Institute Sedona Forum: Let’s Follow Senator McCain’s Example, Find Lasting Solutions & Renew Americans’ Confidence in Democracy by Putting Partisan Politics Aside

May 7, 2023

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Senator highlighted the late Arizona Senator John McCain’s leadership on the importance of responsibly and respectfully engaging in political discourse

SEDONA – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema spoke at the annual McCain Institute Sedona Forum and highlighted the late Arizona Senator John McCain’s legacy of elevating and responsibly engaging in the political discourse and restore Americans’ confidence in our democracy.
“Like all Arizonans, I sorely miss the leadership of our hero, Senator John McCain. As Arizona’s senior Senator, I follow his example working every day to elevate our political discourse, refusing to let disagreements divide us, and focusing on our shared values to deliver real solutions to the challenges Arizona families face,” said Sinema.
Sinema, reflecting Senator McCain’s – and Arizona’s – enduring leadership, declared her Independence from partisan politics in December as an example of Arizonan and American values of putting partisan politics aside to deliver lasting solutions to the challenges everyday Americans face. 

Click HERE to watch Sinema’s fireside chat at the McCain Institute Sedona Forum
