Sinema Meets with Pima Community College Students & Faculty

Feb 17, 2023

Senator discussed how the Jumpstart Our Businesses by Supporting Students Act – of which she is an original cosponsor – helps Arizona students get ahead

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with Pima Community College students and board members to discuss a host of challenges and opportunities facing Arizona students, including ways to expand flexibility for Pell Grants.
“As someone who could only afford college because of Pell Grants and federal student aid, I know we must work together to protect and expand educational opportunities for all Arizonans. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from the leaders of tomorrow about how we can better support the students of today,” said Sinema.
During the meeting, Sinema underscored her support for the Jumpstart Our Businesses by Supporting Students (JOBS) Act – bipartisan legislation the Senator has cosponsored since she was elected to the Senate that would allow Pell Grants to be used for more career and technical education programs. Specifically, Sinema’s legislation would authorize the use of Pell Grants for career and technical education programs that provide 150 to 600 hours of instructional time over eight to 15 weeks. Currently, Pell Grants cannot be used for programs that are less than 15 weeks.
Sinema was able to attend college thanks to a Pell Grant and remains committed to ensuring current and future generations of Arizona have access to quality educational opportunities. Throughout her time in Congress, Sinema has worked across party lines to restore year-round Pell Grant eligibility, so that Arizona students have more flexibility in using a Pell award. She also voted for bipartisan budgets that delivered increases in Pell Grant funding.