Sinema on Senate Floor: ‘We are here to do our job. We must fund the government and we must solve our border crisis’

Dec 22, 2022

Senator delivered a Senate floor speech, calling on Congress to secure the border and making clear that partisanship has prevented the Senate from doing its most fundamental obligation: keep the government running

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema delivered remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate today calling on Congress to secure the border by supporting her commonsense amendment extending Title 42 and improving border security. Sinema also made clear to her Senate Republican and Democratic colleagues how partisanship led to a logjam preventing the Senate from efficiently passing a budget to keep the federal government running.
Click HERE to watch Sinema’s speech.
To solve the partisan logjam, Sinema introduced an amendment to the bipartisan annual budget bill that would boost border security funding, increase resources for border communities, and extend Title 42.
In her speech, Sinema called for an end to partisanship and underscored the Senate’s responsibility to pass a budget in a timely and responsible manner to keep the federal government running.
Below is Sinema’s speech as prepared for delivery:
Mr. President, it’s pathetic Congress once again stands here at the 11th hour to fulfill its most fundamental obligation.
Partisanship and tunnel vision on damaging the opposition and preventing the other side from “getting a win” has replaced thoughtful legislating.
I’ve made clear, the border is in crisis and Arizona is facing a security and humanitarian crisis.
Enough is enough – stop using the border as a political tool. We are here to do our job. We must fund the government and we must solve our border crisis.
My amendment keeps Title 42 until a permanent plan is in place, boosts desperately needed funding for border security, invests in our border agents and officers, and helps stop the flow of dangerous drugs.
I call on my colleagues to support my common sense amendment and help us secure our border now.