Sinema Backs Arizona’s Application for Grant Supporting High-Quality Early Education

Oct 31, 2022

Senator joined colleagues in urging the federal government to support Arizona Department of Education’s application for the Preschool Development Birth Through Five Renewal Grant

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema supported the Arizona Department of Education’s application for the Preschool Development Birth Through Five Renewal Grant to help Arizona increase early childhood education and care services for low-income and disadvantaged children.
“Arizona children – regardless of their economic backgrounds – should get access to high-quality early education and child care services to help them learn and grow, setting them up for success and a fair shot at their American Dream,” said Sinema.
If awarded, Arizona will use the grant to support programming for children who may not otherwise have access to high-quality early education and care service before entering kindergarten. Research has shown that high-quality early childhood programs can have lasting impacts on children, equipping them with the social and emotional skills they will need to thrive inside and outside the classroom.
Arizona is currently experiencing a child care crisis, with demand exceeding the supply of child care providers. Through this letter, Sinema – who also teaches at Arizona State University’s school of social work – continues her commitment to ensure all Arizona children can receive access to high-quality early education and care services.
Click HERE to read the letter.