Sinema Advances Historic Bipartisan Legislation Investing in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Strengthening National Security, and Addressing Supply Chain Challenges

Jul 26, 2022

Bipartisan legislation providing more than $52 billion for American semiconductor manufacturing expected to pass the Senate this week

WASHINGTON — Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema today led bipartisan legislation investing more than $52 billion in American semiconductor manufacturing through a key hurdle in the U.S. Senate. The historic legislation, now one step closer to final passage, makes an unprecedented investment in domestic semiconductor manufacturing – addressing critical supply chain challenges, supporting thousands of Arizona jobs, strengthening national security, and lowering costs for families in Arizona and across the country. 
“Arizonans face rising prices and empty store shelves, and deserve to keep more of their own money in their pockets. Our bipartisan, commonsense legislation invests in American manufacturing, research, and development which will help reduce prices and shipping delays, create thousands of new, high-paying jobs, and boost our national security. I’m proud we helped secure bipartisan support to advance our legislation and provide relief for everyday families across our state,” said Sinema. 
The Sinema-backed bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act provides more than $52 billion to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing amidst a global semiconductor shortage, reducing reliance on foreign countries like China and enhancing the United States’ global competitiveness. The historic investment will support tens of thousands of jobs in Arizona alone.
The Sinema-shaped bill also modernizes the federal government’s approach to science, improves the National Science Foundation, grows the STEM workforce, and expands our country’s global leadership in innovation, research, and development – keeping us ahead of China and other global competitors in technological advancement. The legislation also includes key provisions ensuring none of the historic investments in innovation, manufacturing, or development can go to China – keeping our bill American-focused and boosting American jobs.
Sinema ensured the legislation reauthorizes NASA, incorporating provisions she drafted as a leader on the Space subcommittee – directing NASA to fund key science research at Arizona universities, maintaining the International Space Station, and sending the first woman to the moon.
The Senate voted to advance the CHIPS and Science Act by a bipartisan vote of 64-32, and followed Sinema’s urging to find consensus and move the legislation forward.
Earlier this month, Sinema met with Arizona manufacturers to discuss how her CHIPS and Science Act – coupled with historic investments from her Infrastructure Investments and Jobs law – will relieve ongoing supply chain challenges, get goods to store shelves faster, and expand economic opportunity in Arizona and across the country.