Sinema Chairs Subcommittee Hearing, Discusses Ensuring an Effective Government by Improving the Federal Workforce

Mar 4, 2022

Broadcast-quality HD clips:
Senator Sinema’s opening remarks.
Senator Sinema’s questions.

Sinema highlighted importance of Chief Human Capital Officers in helping federal agencies strengthen Human Resources management

WASHINGTON — Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema chaired a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Government Operations Subcommittee hearing on the importance of the federal workforce and the role of Chief Human Capital Officers in ensuring an efficient and effective government.
“A more effective and efficient federal government starts with a better federal workforce. It doesn’t matter how much we spend or how many laws we pass, if we do not have the right people in the right jobs, our federal government won’t be successful in providing the services my constituents in Arizona count on every day,” said Sinema, Chair of the Senate Government Operations Subcommittee.
During the hearing, Sinema stressed the need for Congress to work with Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) so they can help federal agencies better achieve their goals – from taking care of veterans and protecting our border, to helping small businesses succeed and extinguishing wildland fires.
The Chief Human Capital Officer role was created in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to elevate human capital efforts within agencies. In their role, CHCOs oversee day-to-day workforce management so the right employees are hired, trained, managed, promoted, and retained. 
Sinema pointed out that the Government Accountability Office has included federal human capital management on its High-Risk List for more than 20 years, and that numerous recent reports have highlighted the immediate need to address federal workforce innovation. 
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee recently passed Sinema’s bipartisan Chance to Compete Act–legislation she introduced with Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) to make federal job hiring fairer for Arizonans by reducing traditional bureaucratic barriers that limit opportunities for federal job seekers.