Sinema Statement on Justice Breyer’s Retirement

Jan 27, 2022

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema released the following statement:
“Justice Breyer has honorably served our country in the Army Reserve, Department of Justice, Senate Judiciary Committee, and in the federal judiciary for decades – including nearly 30 years on the U.S. Supreme Court where he has faithfully upheld our Constitution. I join all Arizonans in thanking him for his service and life-long commitment to American justice. As with all nominees and as I did during the 2020 Supreme Court nomination, I look forward to fulfilling my constitutional duty to provide advice and consent by thoughtfully examining the next nominee based on three criteria: whether the nominee is professionally qualified, believes in the role of an independent judiciary, and can be trusted to faithfully interpret and uphold the rule of law.”
Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Sinema has consistently applied the same three criteria to all judicial and executive nominees considered by the Senate.
In 2020, Sinema opposed the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett citing “inconsistent views on legal precedent, and how those inconsistencies impact her obligation to interpret and uphold the rule of law.”