Commemorating Veterans Day, Sinema Honors Arizona Veterans

Nov 11, 2021

Senator Sinema spoke at the City of Sedona’s 2021 Veterans Day Tribute Event, marking the 100th Anniversary of Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

SEDONA – Commemorating Veterans Day, Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema honored the service and sacrifice of Arizona veterans and their families and delivered remarks at the 2021 City of Sedona Veterans Day Tribute Event.
“Arizona veterans and their families make incredible sacrifices so we can enjoy the freedoms we hold dear. Today—and every day—we’re thankful for their service and sacrifice. I remain committed to serving our veterans by ensuring they get the benefits and care they’ve earned.”
The City of Sedona’s 2021 Veterans Day Tribute Event marked the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.