Sinema Helps Secure Arizona Tribal Police Departments Accreditation Funding

Oct 25, 2021

Department of Justice funding supports over 18 tribal police agencies across Arizona to become fully accredited

WASHINGTON – Following support from Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema, the Department of Justice awarded Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program a federal grant supporting the accreditation of 18 tribal police agencies across Arizona.
“We’re glad the Justice Department awarded critical grant funding for the accreditation of tribal police agencies in Arizona, and we’ll continue supporting local law enforcement keeping Arizona communities safe and secure,” said Sinema.
“The Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program, a program of the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police, is very happy to have been awarded critical funding by the United States Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office in order to support Tribal Police Departments in their pursuit of accreditation. It is through the use of such funds, that we are able to assist our Tribal partners ensure that their policies and procedures meet industry best-practices in the safe, effective, efficient and non-discriminatory delivery of professional policing services to their community. We thank Senator Sinema for her support of the grant application as well as local and tribal law enforcement in Arizona,” said Kevin E. Rhea, Program Director of the Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.
Awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Community Policing Development Accreditation Grant will help promote safe and effective delivery of professional law enforcement services.
In addition to supporting accreditation efforts for tribal police agencies, this grant will provide technical support with policy writing, technology improvements, and the creation of a tribal liaison position to coordinate directly with tribal law enforcement agencies.
The Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program is the only accreditation program in the United States that maintains standards devoted specifically to policing tribal lands. Currently 41 Arizona law enforcement agencies are enrolled in their accreditation program.
Click HERE to find Sinema’s letter of support.