Sinema Honors Hispanic Heritage Month

Oct 12, 2021

Senator cosponsored a bipartisan resolution honoring the contributions of Arizona’s Hispanic community

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema cosponsored a bipartisan resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month to celebrate and honor the economic, cultural, and historic contributions of Arizona’s Hispanic community.
“Arizona’s Hispanic community enriches our state’s economy, history, and culture, and our resolution honors their generations of service and contributions to Arizona and our country,” said Sinema.
Hispanic Americans represent a significant component of the U.S. workforce and economic growth, contributing $2.6 trillion in GDP. According to the 2020 census, approximately 31.7% of Arizonans identify as Hispanic.
Sinema’s bipartisan resolution recognizes September 15 through October 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month, and celebrates the integral role Latinos play in the United States’ economy, culture, and identity. This resolution specifically acknowledges that Hispanic Americans have made significant contributions to the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, with many Hispanic Americans serving as essential frontline workers.
Last year, Sinema cosponsored a similar Senate bipartisan resolution celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.