The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Power Grids and Energy Infrastructure

Aug 7, 2021

Arizonans may have already heard about…

  • … the historic $110 billion investment to upgrade America’s roads and bridges… 
  • … the $65 billion to deploy high-speed broadband, expand broadband internet access, and help families afford broadband service…
  • … the strongest investment ever in American public transit — including the biggest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak… 

… but what else is included for Arizona in the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act led by U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema?
Power Grids and Energy Infrastructure
Arizona families and employers depend on a strong, reliable supply of power — even as severe drought, extreme weather, and increasing demand are straining our aging power infrastructure. Some states around the country have experienced power crises in recent years, resulting in widespread outages, shortages of water and food, and even loss of life. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act makes historic investments in America’s critical power grids and energy infrastructure.

  • Power Grids: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act invests more than $27 billion to strengthen grid infrastructure, including capacity, flexibility, reliability, and resiliency — and in support for a Grid Deployment Authority. This funding includes a grant program to reduce the likelihood and consequence of impacts to the electric grid due to extreme weather, wildfire, and natural disasters. In addition, the funding in this bill improves the cybersecurity capacity of Arizona’s power grid and infrastructure.
  • Clean Energy: Arizona leads the nation in research and development of clean energy and technologies. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act invests more than $32 billion in clean energy technologies — including carbon-capture, hydrogen, direct air capture, energy efficiency, weatherization assistance, and solar energy on mine land — as well as regional clean energy hubs. Arizona will likely be a competitive option to house such hubs.
  • Critical Minerals Supply Chains: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides more than $7 billion for programs and activities to map America’s critical minerals that are essential components for the clean energy products and infrastructure of the future. The legislation also sets aside funding for research and production of batteries, advanced energy technologies, and recycling. Arizona leads in mining and production of those vital materials and technologies.
  • Orphan Wells, Methane Reduction, and Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act invests $16 billion in critical funding to plug orphan wells and reduce methane emissions, and conduct abandoned mine land reclamation on federal, state, and Tribal lands.

The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (full text available HERE) proposes the strongest investment in America’s critical infrastructure in more than a century without raising taxes on everyday Americans.
The legislation is the result of bipartisan negotiations led by U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Rob Portman (Ohio), with Senators from both parties and President Biden. 
The proposal — currently being considered by the full Senate — is supported by groups including The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, The National Association of Manufacturers, The AFL-CIO, The National Retail Federation, The Bipartisan Policy Center, North America’s Building Trades Unions, the Outdoor Industry Association, The American Hotel and Lodging Association, The National Education Association, as well as more than 360 Mayors in all 50 states.
Click HERE to see how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act impacts Tribal communities
Click HERE to see how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act impacts wildfire mitigation
Click HERE to see how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act impacts water systems
Click HERE to see how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act impacts airports