Sinema Calls for Expansion of VA Telehealth Services for Veterans’ Families

Sep 8, 2020

Sinema highlights importance of expanding phone-based telehealth services to help veterans’ families in rural Arizona access health care

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema and a bipartisan group of Senators urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to cover telehealth services delivered by phone for veterans’ families, helping ensure access to health care during the coronavirus pandemic.  
“Expanding telehealth services by phone for Arizona veterans’ families helps ensure access to health care during the coronavirus pandemic despite connectivity challenges in rural communities,” said Sinema. 
Currently, the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) only covers telehealth services via video chat, but not telehealth services that are phone or voice only. Expanding coverage to phone-based telehealth services helps ensure veterans’ families who depend on CHAMPVA for health care but lack reliable connectivity can continue to access health care during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read Sinema’s full letter HERE.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Sinema has continued to champion Arizona veterans’ access to care. Recently, Sinema urged the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to expedite the expansion of the tele-Critical Care program to Prescott and Tucson for veterans needing lifesaving intensive care services during the coronavirus pandemic.