Sinema Calls for Increased Support for Arizona Non-Profits

Aug 17, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema urged Congressional leaders to expand support for Arizona non-profits in future coronavirus legislation.

“Arizona non-profits serve on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic—helping feed Arizona families, providing Arizonans safe shelter, and connecting Arizonans to critical health services. These organizations need support to continue assisting Arizonans now and during our recovery,” said Sinema.

Sinema’s letter calls on Congressional leaders to increase coronavirus relief for Arizona non-profits by:

  • Expanding access to the Paycheck Protection Program by modifying the current 500-employe cap. 
  • Increasing unemployment insurance for self-funded nonprofits.
  • Strengthening charitable giving incentives by increasing the above-the-line deduction that was included in the CARES Act.

Read Sinema’s letter HERE.

Sinema recently outlined Arizona priorities she is working to include in the next federal coronavirus relief package—including increased testing and infection-tracking, more personal protective equipment, critical relief for employers, and direct budget support for city and county governments and Tribal communities.

Sinema has also added a resources page to her website,, for Arizonans looking for the latest information on coronavirus.
