Sinema Leads Members of Arizona Delegation Requesting Additional Federal Assistance to Combat COVID-19

Aug 10, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema led members of Arizona’s Congressional delegation in requesting additional and sustained federal assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as Arizona communities combat COVID-19.

“Arizona urgently needs additional, sustained federal assistance to ease the burden on our hospitals and health care providers, improve COVID-19 testing, and expand infection-tracking,” said Sinema.

Confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths continue to rise in Arizona, overstretching the capacity of health care professionals and frontline workers. In her bipartisan letter, Sinema stressed the urgent need for additional federal resources to combat the virus through increased testing, contact tracing, personal protective equipment (PPE), staffing support, and emergency funding to support local responses. Sinema was joined on her letter by Representative Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-2), Representative Raúl Grijalva (AZ-3), Representative David Schweikert (AZ-6), and Representative Ruben Gallego (AZ-7).

Sinema has a resources page on her website,, for Arizonans looking for updated information in English and Spanish on the coronavirus.

Click HERE for Sinema’s letter.
