Senate Approves Sinema Bill Protecting Arizonans’ Retirement Benefits from Fraud

Dec 3, 2019

Senator’s bipartisan bill cracks down on federal retirement fraud and misuse

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate approved Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s bipartisan Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act. The Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act, introduced by Sinema, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) and Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), strengthens penalties against criminals who steal or misuse federal retirees’ benefits, making any such crime a felony.
“Arizona retirees earned their benefits through a lifetime of hard work and public service. Cracking down on fraud will better protect seniors so they can enjoy healthy and secure retirements,” said Sinema.
If a federal retiree is unable to manage their own finances, a representative payee may be appointed to manage finances and benefits on their behalf. Currently, fraud or misuse of federal retirement benefits by a representative payee is not a felony. Sinema’s Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act fixes that.  
There are currently over 45,000 retired federal employees in Arizona that will benefit from the Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act. Additionally, there are over 50,000 current federal and postal employees in Arizona who will benefit in the future.