Sinema Encourages Arizona University Partnerships with NASA, Discusses Need to Support STEM Education

Nov 7, 2019

Sinema welcomed ASU’s Dr. Linda Tarbox Elkins-Tanton who served as witness during the hearing

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema spoke at a Senate Aviation and Space Subcommittee hearing and highlighted the importance of partnerships between NASA and Arizona universities. Sinema underscored the critical need to build a strong Science, Technology, Education, and Math (STEM) education pipeline to continue expanding America’s leadership in space and national security.

“NASA and universities must work together to develop a 21st Century workforce to continue our leadership in space and ensure our economy remains innovative and strong,” said Sinema, ranking member of the Senate Aviation and Space Subcommittee.

Sinema, who requested the hearing, highlighted the value of NASA’s partnerships with Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University. Sinema welcomed ASU professor and leader of the NASA Psyche Mission, Dr. Linda Tarbox Elkins-Tanton, who shared her experience as a principal investigator propels NASA’s scientific and exploration goals and creates opportunity for students to develop skills to succeed in the space industry.