New Sinema Bill Boosts Arizona’s Solar Technology Development

Oct 23, 2019

WASHINGTON Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema introduced the Solar Energy Research and Development Act. Sinema’s legislation renews and modernizes the Solar Energy Technology Program, increasing resources to Arizona’s government, universities, and companies to help develop solar technology.

“Our legislation creates job opportunities by boosting Arizona’s solar development, and equipping businesses and universities with resources to expand our solar energy industry,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Commerce Committee.

Sinema’s Solar Energy Research and Development Act improves Arizona’s competitiveness in solar manufacturing and deployment. Arizona ranks third in the nation in solar energy production, and is expected to add another 2,769 million watts of solar energy over the next five years. Since 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy has invested $37,590,285 in 27 solar research and demonstration programs in Arizona — 18 of them at Arizona State University and 4 at the University of Arizona.

Earlier this month, Sinema cosponsored the bipartisan Renewable Energy Extension Act, which saves Arizona homeowners money and fuels jobs in the state’s fast-growing solar industry.