Sinema Meets with Southern Arizona Military and Business Leaders

Sep 27, 2019

Senator stresses her continued support for Arizona’s military installations and trade relationships

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with the Southern Arizona Leadership Council to discuss her work supporting Arizona’s military installations and important trade relationships with Mexico and Canada.

“We’re partnering with Southern Arizona military and business leaders to strengthen our national security, fuel job creation, and expand opportunity for our state,” said Sinema.

Earlier this year, Sinema helped secure multiple provisions in the annual defense bill that benefits Arizona’s military installations, including funding for military construction projects at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, the Yuma Proving Ground, and language that helps Arizona’s defense community continue to grow and create good-paying jobs.

Sinema supports the USMCA trade agreement, and continues working to ensure the U.S. maintains and strengthens its important trade relationships. Earlier this month, the Fresh Produce Association met with Sinema to thank the Senator for her efforts in ensuring the renegotiation of the Tomato Suspension Agreement to protect Arizona farmers, jobs, and cross-border trade. The agreement effectively brought an end to harmful tariffs on tomatoes that hurt farmers, businesses, and consumers.