Sinema Resolution Protects Arizona Seniors from Dangerous Falls

Sep 20, 2019

Senator joins Aging Committee colleagues designating September 23rd as ‘National Falls Prevention Awareness Day’

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema joined Senate Aging Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Ranking Member Bob Casey (D-Pa.) to introduce a bipartisan resolution designating September 23, 2019 as National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. The resolution raises awareness for fall prevention efforts in Arizona and across the country.

“We’re raising awareness to protect Arizona seniors from dangerous falls that can lead to hospitalizations or even fatal injuries” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Aging Committee.

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans. In Arizona, falls led to 42,808 emergency visits in 2016, costing Arizona families $933.6 million. The national cost of treating fall-related injuries across the country exceeds $50 billion.

As a member of the Senate Aging Committee, Sinema is focused on expanding health care services for Arizona seniors. Earlier this year, Sinema championed the Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act—bipartisan legislation that expands in-home health care for seniors in rural Arizona.