Sinema Meets With Yuma Leaders, Yuma 50 Organization

Aug 30, 2019

YUMA — Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with local leaders in Yuma and members of the Yuma 50 organization to hear about community concerns and the importance of the military installations in Yuma County. The Yuma 50 is an effort of Yuma County to support Yuma’s military assets and advocate for the Yuma community. 

“I’m working closely with Yuma leaders to ensure Arizona’s military installations have the resources and support they need to maintain Arizona’s critical role in our national defense,” said Sinema.

Sinema also met with members of the Yuma 50 in Washington earlier this year. 

Sinema helped secure multiple provisions in the annual defense bill that will benefit Arizona’s military installations, including funding for military construction projects at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, the Yuma Proving Ground, and language that will help Arizona’s defense community continue to grow and create good-paying jobs.

Sinema also sponsored a letter to the Department of Transportation requesting BUILD funding and submitted a request for funding in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to expand and improve U.S. Highway 95, which is critical for the health of the Yuma community and the security of the Yuma Proving Ground.

Sinema has been a leader in the U.S. Senate for Arizona veterans and servicemembers. Sinema’s bipartisan LEGION Act—which grants veterans who served in non-declared conflicts membership to the American Legion—was recently signed into law. Additionally, Sinema recently championed the bipartisan Jobs and Childcare for Military Families Act, which boosts hiring for military spouses and improves military families’ access to affordable childcare.