Sinema Visits Yuma Border Patrol Station, Meets with Agents

Aug 22, 2019

Senator discusses her commitment to fix broken immigration system, secure Arizona’s border, and ensure migrants are treated fairly and humanely

YUMA – Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema visited the Yuma Border Patrol Station and met with border patrol agents to discuss the challenges they face securing the border, ensuring fair and humane treatment of migrants, and quickly processing migrants seeking asylum.
“We must put the politics aside to address the challenges along our southern border. I will keep working with our partners on the ground and in the Senate to fix our immigration system, secure our border, and ensure migrants are treated fairly and humanely,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Recently, Sinema secured key provisions in the border bill that passed Congress with bipartisan support. Sinema worked across the aisle to get three critical priorities included in the bill, including increasing the number of immigration judges at the border, providing funding for nongovernmental organizations assisting migrants across Arizona, and creating a plan to process credible fear claims—critical to determining asylum—in 20 days or less. Sinema also sent a bipartisan letter to the Administration asking it to implement a limited pilot program to test how authorities can more quickly, accurately, and fairly determine whether migrants crossing the southern border have a valid credible fear claim. 
Sinema’s visit to the Yuma Border Patrol Station follows Sinema’s visit to Nogales in April when she toured the Mariposa Crossing, DeConcini Crossing, the Nogales Border Patrol Station, and the Nogales Line and Tunnel.