Key Committee Approves Sinema Bill Strengthening Transparency and Provision Shaped by Sinema to Hold Congress Accountable for Government Shutdowns

Jun 21, 2019

Sinema’s Early Participation in Regulations Act increases government transparency and accessibility & Sinema-Amended Government Shutdown Accountability Act ensures Congress doesn’t get paid if it doesn’t fund the government 

WASHINGTON — A  Senate committee approved both a bipartisan bill by Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema to strengthen government transparency and legislation shaped by her to prevent government shutdowns and hold Congress accountable if they do happen.

“It’s common sense that Arizonans should have a voice when costly government regulations are drafted and that members of Congress shouldn’t get paid if they don’t do their jobs. Our bills make sure our government is held accountable to its citizens,” said Senator Sinema, Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management.

The Early Participation in Regulations Act, introduced by Senator James Lankford and cosponsored by Sinema, directs agencies to issue advanced notices for rules costing more than $100 million annually. Agencies must outline the problem the rule intends to solve and listen to the public’s input on the subject.

The Government Shutdown Accountability Act, amended by Sinema, ensures that if Congress fails to pass all its appropriations bills and triggers a shutdown, the government will continue to be funded at the previous year’s rates, and Congress’ pay will be withheld until members pass a government funding bill. Sinema is now a cosponsor of the underlying bill.

The committee also passed the Securing America’s Ports of Entry Act, cosponsored by Sinema, which authorizes Customs and Border Protection to hire more officers to better secure our ports of entry.