Sinema Stresses the Importance of Maintaining America’s Global Leadership to Arizona

May 31, 2019

Senator addresses U.S. Global Leadership Coalition

PHOENIX – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema addressed the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition Forum in Phoenix, and stressed the need to maintain America’s global leadership in order to keep Arizonans safe and secure. 

Sinema underscored the importance of American leadership in military affairs, diplomacy, and foreign investment to strengthen U.S. security and expand Arizona’s economic opportunities.

“International engagement is national security. That’s not simply my view; it’s American military doctrine. Engaging with the world and strategically shaping the global environment strengthens America’s position when and if U.S. servicemembers must be deployed,” said Sinema. 

Sinema is a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee and is working to support Arizona military installations and ensure U.S. diplomatic and development agencies have the resources they need to strengthen and secure Arizona and America.