Sinema Meets with Head of Veterans Health Administration, Leadership of Phoenix VA

May 31, 2019

Senator continues holding VA officials accountable by addressing the implementation of the MISSION Act

PHOENIX – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema recently met with Veterans Health Administration Executive in Charge, Dr. Richard A. Stone, and members of the Phoenix VA’s leadership team to discuss ways to improve the VA and ensure Arizona veterans get the care they’ve earned.

“Arizona veterans deserve the highest standard of care from the VA. I will continue to hold the VA accountable and work across the aisle to make sure our veterans receive the care they’ve earned,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Sinema and Dr. Stone discussed the VA’s implementation of the MISSION Act. Sinema questioned Phoenix VA officials about their preparation for the implementation of the MISSION Act, which goes live on June 6, 2019.

While serving in the U.S. House, Sinema championed the bipartisan MISSION Act, which was signed into law. The MISSION Act helps veterans receive care when they don’t live near a VA facility or when the VA can’t provide them with timely or specialty medical care.

One of Sinema’s top priorities in the U.S. Senate is ensuring that Arizona veterans get the care they have earned. Sinema recently introduced the bipartisan Daniel Somers Network of Support Act—legislation named after an Arizona army veteran that requires the U.S. Department of Defense to create networks of support for servicemembers.