Sinema Statement on Meeting with Attorney General William Barr

May 22, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema today released the following statement after meeting with U.S. Attorney General William Barr:

“I urged Attorney General Barr to work with Congress and provide access to all portions of the Mueller report not prohibited by law—including working with the relevant committees of jurisdiction on access to the report’s underlying documents.

“The redacted version of the report contains highly concerning details of foreign interference with our democracy, as well as American individuals whose conduct was disturbing. Access to the full report will help Congress take action to protect America from foreign meddling in the future.

“I also told Attorney General Barr that I expect him to be fully candid and clear when questioned by Congress, and that he should rise above partisanship and political games in service of a higher duty to our country.

“As Arizona’s senior Senator, I will continue to fulfill the Senate’s appropriate constitutional role of providing advice and consent on executive branch nominees—and I will not hesitate to hold administration officials accountable when they fail to meet their obligations. While other investigations are ongoing into the issues raised in the report, I will remain focused on getting things done for everyday Arizonans.”
