Sinema Discusses Arizona Veterans’ Needs with Leaders of Veterans Service Organizations

Feb 27, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with the Commanders of the American Legion and the Disabled American Veterans to discuss the needs of Arizona’s veterans and ways to increase veterans’ access to the benefits they’ve earned.
“Our veterans service organizations understand veterans’ needs. I will continue partnering with them to address the challenges facing Arizona veterans and working to ensure every veteran has the benefits s/he has earned,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
Sinema recently partnered with the American Legion to introduce the LEGION Act, which extends American Legion membership to veterans who served in undeclared conflicts.
Sinema and the Disabled American Veterans are working together to ensure the VA is adequately serving veterans under the VA MISSION Act, which Sinema championed in the House and is now law. The VA MISSION Act helps veterans receive care when they don’t live near a VA facility or when the VA can’t provide timely or specialty medical care.