Sinema-Backed Bill Strengthens Accountability at the VA

Jan 18, 2019

Senator champions measure designed to make the VA more transparent and accountable to Arizona veterans

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema joined Montana Senator Jon Tester in introducing critical legislation strengthening accountability at the VA.

“The VA must be transparent and accountable,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. “I will continue to ensure that the VA honors its obligations to Arizona veterans.”

Currently, former VA and non-governmental employees, including contractors, are not required to answer questions from the Office of the Inspector General, the federal watchdog charged with rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse in the agency. 

Sinema is the lead cosponsor of Tester’s legislation, the CLEAR Act. The bill includes a set of commonsense accountability measures to ensure that VA employees and contractors cannot avoid such accountability and that the VA is properly executing contracts.