Sinema & Arizona State Land Executive Officer Working to Meet State’s Growing Needs

Nov 3, 2023

Arizona State Land Department manages the permitting of commercial real estate, recreation, agriculture, grazing, mining, and oil and gas production on state lands

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with the Executive Officer of the Arizona State Land Department, Robyn Sahid, to discuss ongoing initiatives and projects to meet Arizona’s growing transportation and water needs. 

“As Arizona continues to grow, we’re working side-by-side with state leaders like Executive Officer Sahid to implement real and innovative solutions that will help Arizona thrive for generations to come,” said Sinema. 

The Senator received updates from Executive Officer Sahid on ongoing initiatives and projects in the state, including the Arizona State Land Department’s (ASLD) interest in obtaining an “Abandonment of Deed Restriction” on a property known as the Buckeye 940, which was formerly used to house military planes. 

Buckeye is among the nation’s fastest growing cities, and therefore needs enhanced transportation corridors to relieve traffic congestion and expand options for Arizonans. However, Buckeye 940 carries a deed restriction preventing the land from being used for anything other than airport purposes, requiring a legislative fix to complete a deed transfer and relieve growing traffic congestion. 

Sinema highlighted how she worked to include language releasing the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) deed restriction on the Buckeye property in the Senate FAA Reauthorization bill.

The Senator and Executive Officer also discussed how they can partner to develop and deliver long-term, lasting solutions to secure Arizona’s water future.