Sinema Statement on Senate Passage of National Security Supplemental

Feb 13, 2024

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema released the following statement on Senate passage of the national security supplemental:

“The United States is the greatest superpower in the world. As terrorists, fascists, and American adversaries work to destroy democracies around the globe, I’m relieved that the Senate came together to take crucial steps to defend our national security and stand up for our democratic allies worldwide.

“Make no mistake, the border crisis is a national security crisis and our nation will not be secure until our border is secure. While my colleagues may have decided the crisis is over because it’s good for them politically, Arizona doesn’t have that luxury. I’ll keep working with both Democrats and Republicans to deliver real, lasting solutions to solve the border crisis and ensure our country is safe and secure – at home and abroad.”

Sinema crafted a bipartisan border bill through months of good faith negotiations with Republican Senator James Lankford (Okla.) and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy (Conn.). The bill reasserts control of the border, protects border communities, disrupts the flow of fentanyl into the country, and solves the border crisis by ending catch and release, strengthening our asylum system by delivering determinations efficiently and fairly, enhancing security, and improving the legal immigration system.