Sinema Meets with Santa Cruz County Supervisors to Talk Local Priorities in 2024

Feb 15, 2024

Senator discussed a host of issues facing Santa Cruz County, including improvements to the I-19 corridor, improving the Nogales Port of Entry, and more

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with Santa Cruz County supervisors to discuss their local priorities this year – including transportation improvements along the I-19 corridor, replacing inoperable sheriff’s radios, upgrades to the Nogales Port of Entry, and more.

“By working hand-in-hand with Santa Cruz County leaders, we’ve delivered real, lasting results on some of their top priorities, including passing my Nogales Wastewater Improvement law to address security and health concerns facing Nogales and securing $3.6 million to replace the outdated Ruby Road Bridge,” said Sinema.

Sinema met with Manny Ruiz, Chair of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, Bruce Bracker, Vice Chair of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, and Rudy Molera, Santa Cruz County Supervisor.

The supervisors thanked Sinema for passing the historic Nogales Wastewater Improvement Act into law as part of last year’s annual bipartisan defense legislation. Now law, Sinema delivered a long-awaited agreement to authorize the transfer of the ownership of the International Outfall Interceptor (IOI) to the U.S., achieving a commonsense compromise that elected officials from both parties and all levels of government have sought to strike for decades.

Last year, Sinema secured $3.6 million replace the Ruby Road Bridge over Potrero Creek and create a grade separated crossing for the Union Pacific Railroad line – improving safety and connectivity for the underserved community.

Sinema also discussed necessary upgrades to the DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales. The Port is an essential component of commercial trade as well as pedestrian and passenger vehicle traffic for the region. In 2022, Sinema secured $500,000 in appropriations funding to develop a plan to modernize the Port to improve border security and efficiency of cross-border travel and trade.