Arizona political leaders react to Trump’s State of the Union speech

Feb 4, 2020

Arizona political leaders react to Trump’s State of the Union speech


PHOENIX — Arizona political leaders quickly weighed in Tuesday after President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech.
As expected, they were mostly split along party lines in their reaction.
Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was an exception, quick to chime in with bipartisan support for Trump.
“We must continue coming together and work to expand job opportunities, keep our communities safe, ensure veterans get the care they’ve earned, and make health care more affordable for everyone,” Sinema said in a statement. “As always, I’ll work with anyone to get things done and deliver for everyday Arizona families.”
Other Democrats weren’t as keen on Trump’s promises.
U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego told KTAR News 92.3 FM that Trump wasn’t truthful about issues such as health care and foreign relations.
“There were just a lot of things that were contradictions,” Gallego said. “This whole State of the Union was more about this president and his political reelection more than really talking about the country and the state of the Union.”
U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva took exception to Trump’s conversations about immigration reform.
Trump again highlighted his signature issue — immigration — trumpeting the miles of border wall that have been constructed.
“Don’t applaud him for traumatizing children, condemning families to violence under ‘remain in Mexico,’ and dismantling the U.S. asylum system as we know it,” Grijalva tweeted.
Republican U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs applauded Trump’s immigration remarks, tweeting that the president “has taken action to secure our southern border, enforce our laws and remove incentives that keep illegal aliens within the homeland.”
“In his fourth major address to Congress, President Trump infused optimism across the homeland and inspired all Americans to reflect on how far we have come to make this country a great and prosperous nation,” Biggs said in a statement. “The state of our Union is indeed strong because of President Trump’s tireless and visionary leadership.”
Other Arizona Republicans echoed Biggs’ thoughts.
GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko praised Trump’s “Great American Comeback,” a sentiment the president pushed heavily just three years after he took office decrying a land of “American carnage” under Barack Obama.
“It is clear that under President Trump and his administration, our nation is truly making our great American comeback,” Lesko said. “The president has kept his promises to the American people and delivered huge wins for American workers and families,” Lesko said.
Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

President @realDonaldTrump’s third State of the Union featured a Presidential Medal of Freedom awarding and a surprise homecoming by one of America’s heroes? Going to be hard to top this one! #SOTU
Rep. David Schweikert

We should all be joyful. The economic data @realDonaldTrump has presented during tonight’s #SOTU must be celebrated across America.