New Sinema Bill Boosts AZ Aerospace Industry, Streamlines Regulations

Mar 29, 2019

Space Frontier Act reforms commercial space launch and Earth observation regulations

WASHINGTON — Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema, ranking member of the Aviation and Space Subcommittee, is teaming up with the panel’s Republican chairman on a bill to boost Arizona’s aerospace industry and America’s leadership in space exploration.
“Arizona is home to a thriving aerospace manufacturing community,” said Sinema, ranking member on the Subcommittee on Aviation and Space. “We’re working across the aisle to cut red tape, support our space industry, and ensure that the United States continues to be a leader in the global space community.”
The Space Frontier Act streamlines and reforms the regulatory framework for commercial space launch and Earth observation operations. This bipartisan legislation keeps Americans safe and protects our national security interests while maintaining American leadership in the global space community and ensuring that the United States remains the best place to start a space business. 
Arizona is the 14th biggest state by population but the 4th biggest in aerospace and defense manufacturing. As the ranking member on the Aviation and Space subcommittee, Sinema is working for greater investment in Arizona’s aerospace industry.