Keeping Arizona families safe and secure

As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, Kyrsten focuses on making sure Arizona families are safe and secure. That’s why she works every day to maintain America’s military readiness, curb the threats we face from terrorism, and fight for those who fight for us – our servicemembers and military families.

Kyrsten led the effort in the House to cut off funding for terrorist organizations, and helped pass into law bills to cut off oil revenue from the Islamic State terrorist group. Kyrsten knows we must responsibly fund our military to ensure our men and women in uniform have the tools they need to protect our national security – and has voted to increase servicemembers’ pay. The sister of a police officer, Kyrsten has consistently supported resources for law enforcement to keep Arizona communities safe.

Creating jobs and helping Arizona families get ahead

Kyrsten knows that creating more good-paying jobs and expanding business opportunities strengthens Arizona’s economy. That’s why she works across the aisle to boost jobs and wages – and, as Chair of the Senate panel dedicated to regulatory reform – she works to cut red tape for Arizona businesses. Kyrsten also works to make health care more affordable for everyday Arizonans, expand rural jobs and opportunities,  and ensure Arizona seniors can retire with the full Social Security and Medicare benefits they’ve earned.

Kyrsten’s work to help Arizona families and businesses get ahead earned her the Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Enterprise Award each year she has served in Congress.

Delivering for Arizona

Coming from a military family – and as a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee – Kyrsten takes personally the government’s obligations to our veterans, and she is working across the aisle to improve veterans’ health care, expand veterans’ education and job opportunities, and hold the VA accountable.

Kyrsten led the charge to reform the VA by championing the VA Accountability Act and the VA Choice Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, both of which were signed into law. She worked with the family of SGT Daniel Somers, an Arizona veteran who lost his life to suicide, to introduce and successfully pass into law the SGT Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act, which ensures veterans who serve in a classified capacity can get private counseling from the VA, and she has worked to address challenges at the Phoenix VA. She has pledged to work every day to ensure Arizona’s veterans get the care and benefits they’ve earned.