Senate Appropriations Committee Clears Chair Sinema’s Bipartisan Legislation Delivering $161.8 Million to Yuma’s Military Installations

Jul 12, 2024

Sinema’s bipartisan appropriations legislation invests $93.8 million at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma and $68 million at Yuma Proving Ground.

 – The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved bipartisan legislation that Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema introduced investing $161.8 million in military installations in Yuma.

“America is stronger and safer thanks to Marine Corps Air Station Yuma and Yuma Proving Ground’s military and defense operations. I’m proud to secure these investments providing Yuma’s military community with the tools and resources necessary to keep our nation safe and secure,” said Sinema, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

Sinema’s appropriations bill provides $90 million for a water treatment plant at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, $62 million for the Special Operations Forces Free Fall Advanced Training Complex at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (YPG), $3.8 million for transient barracks planning and design at MCAS Yuma, and $6 million for construction of a new Radar Operations and Maintenance Facility at YPG.