Senate Approves Sinema-Backed Resolution Honoring Capitol Custodial, Essential Workers

Jan 25, 2022

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema cosponsored a resolution honoring the U.S. Capitol custodial, janitorial, maintenance, and other essential workers during this month’s anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol. 
“We will forever be thankful for the essential workers who maintain the safety and security in the Capitol. Our resolution is a small way of expressing our gratitude to the men and women who have shown up to work throughout the pandemic and after January 6th,” said Sinema.
Sinema’s resolution acknowledges the hard work of the Capitol’s custodial, maintenance, food service, and other essential workers who stayed to clean up after the attack on the Capitol, and whose work often goes under-appreciated.
Sinema has supported similar resolutions, including those honoring Officer Brian Sicknick who died as a result of the injuries sustained on January 6th, and all the Capitol and local law enforcement who helped defend the Capitol. Sinema also supported the Officer Eugene Goodman Congressional Gold Medal Act.