Senator Sinema discusses water infrastructure in Yuma

Feb 23, 2022

Senator Sinema discusses water infrastructure in Yuma


By Marcos Icahuate

Senator Kyrsten Sinema visited Yuma on Wednesday to discuss several topics and had a separate meeting to focus on water infrastructure.
“We don’t thrive on our own we thrive together,” said Sen. Sinema.
She believes a tight-knit community like Yuma will make her job easier to help the city, such as getting more funding as quickly as possible.
However, if any grant money comes through then she wants to be the one to direct where it goes.
“It sounds like the work you’re doing is not only important for the Yuma region but how Yuma’s produce feeds half of America,” expressed Sinema.
Mention of a better broadband network was brought up and funding can begin to go into this project.