Sinema and Fresh Produce Association Continue Work to Strengthen Arizona’s Economy

Sep 19, 2019

WASHINGTON – The Fresh Produce Association thanked Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema for her efforts ensuring the renegotiation of the Tomato Suspension Agreement to protect Arizona farmers, jobs, and cross-border trade, which was signed today. The agreement brings an end to harmful tariffs on tomatoes that hurt Arizona farmers, businesses, and consumers.

“Cross-border trade contributes billions of dollars to Arizona’s economy, and I will continue working to protect Arizona jobs from unnecessary trade restrictions,” said Sinema a member of the Senate Commerce Committee.

Sinema met in April with the Fresh Produce Association in Nogales to discuss the importance of cross-border trade and commerce. In her meeting, Sinema stressed her support for the Tomato Suspension Agreement and vowed to continuing to work across the aisle to end the unnecessary trade war.