Sinema Backs Bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act to Strengthen Arizona’s Outdoor Recreation & Economy

May 9, 2023

Senator-backed bipartisan legislation boosts economic opportunities and safeguards Arizona’s outdoors by protecting at-risk wildlife

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema cosponsored the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act – bipartisan legislation investing in locally-led efforts to protect at-risk and endangered species in Arizona, which will strengthen Arizona’s outdoor recreation and economy.
“Arizona’s outdoors – including our parks, trails, and wildlife – are part of what makes our state so great. Our bipartisan legislation creates strong careers, supports our hunters and anglers, and grows our economy – all while ensuring future generations of Arizonans can enjoy our state for years to come,” said Sinema. 
The Sinema-backed legislation would invest approximately $1.4 billion annually in locally-led conservation efforts to restore and protect at-risk wildlife – supporting Arizona’s growing outdoor economy, strong careers for Arizonans, and the state’s outdoor heritage. The bill ensures wildlife recovery efforts are led by locally-developed State Wildlife Action Plans, which identify specific strategies to restore the populations of species of greatest conservation need in different regions.
In Arizona, more than 500 local species would be expected to benefit from the bill, including Apache trout and Chiricahua leopard frogs.
According to the Outdoor Industry Association, Arizona’s outdoor recreation economy generates 100,514 direct jobs, $9.4 billion total outdoor recreation value added, $5 billion in wages and salaries, and 2.3% share of GDP.
