Sinema: To boost Arizona Tourism

Apr 25, 2019

Sinema: To boost Arizona Tourism


PHOENIX, Ariz. – Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema participated in a roundtable discussion to focus on supporting Arizona’s tourism industry.

Sinema met with Phoenix business leaders, U.S. Travel Association representatives, and Arizona Office of Tourism officials. “Tourism is vital to our economy and supports jobs across Arizona. We’re working to preserve Brand USA, improve our state’s infrastructure, and protect our national parks so we can bring more visitors to the greatest state in the nation,” said Sinema.

Brand USA was established by the Travel Promotion Act in 2009 as a public-private partnership to promote the United States as a premier travel destination. Sinema supported the renewal of Brand USA in 2014. Brand USA partners with the Arizona Office of Tourism to promote travel to Arizona.

According to the Arizona Office of Tourism, In 2017, tourism was the number-one export industry in Arizona. More than 43 million people visited Arizona in 2017 and collectively spent $22.7 billion in the state. The resulting $3.37 billion in 2017 tax revenue equals an annual tax savings of $1,293 for every Arizona household and supported 187,100 industry jobs.