Sinema Continues Work to Reduce Unnecessary Regulations

May 7, 2019

Senator leads Senate hearing on her bipartisan legislation to improve government agencies’ efficiency, transparency, and accessibility 

WASHINGTON –Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema is continuing her bipartisan work to reduce unnecessary federal regulations and modernize the regulatory process. Sinema today led a Senate hearing, along with Chairman James Lankford (Okla.), to advance commonsense regulatory reform legislation, including her SMART Act –a bill that requires government agencies to plan prospectively, improving regulations and increasing transparency and accessibility for Arizona businesses.
“Today we continue the work of advocating for commonsense regulatory reforms. By requiring agencies to plan for reviews through the SMART Act, the reviews will be more thorough and accurate, and less expensive and time-consuming. This will improve regulations, remove unnecessary burdens, and increase transparency and accessibility for Arizona businesses,” said Sinema.
In today’s hearing Sinema heard from Susan Dudley and Sally Katzen, who served as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget in the George W. Bush administration and the Clinton administration respectively.  
Sinema and Chairman Lankford have passed two regulatory transparency bills through committee. They passed the Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act and the GOOD Act, which will help make government more accessible to Arizona businesses.