Sinema Discusses Importance of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement for Arizona

Jan 15, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema today discussed the importance of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement for Arizona’s economy in a Senate Commerce Committee hearing. Below are her remarks as prepared for delivery:

“I support the United States Mexico Canada Agreement, and I’m pleased the Commerce Committee advanced the implementing legislation in a bipartisan fashion. 
“The USMCA is a reasonable update to NAFTA accounting for new industries and new technologies that didn’t exist 25 years ago. It closes enforcement loopholes, addresses environmental and water quality along the Southwest border, especially important to Arizona, and authorizes the North American Development Bank.
“Passage of the USMCA is important for the United States, and it’s imperative for the State of Arizona. Mexico is our number one trading partner and Canada is our number two trading partner. Cross-border trade means more Arizona jobs, a stronger economy, and greater opportunity for Arizona families.
“I worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to advance this agreement and take an important step toward ensuring Arizona employers can sell more products abroad, fueling business opportunities here at home.
“This isn’t a partisan issue for Arizonans; it’s a commonsense step forward supported by Democrats, Republicans, business, and labor across our state. I’m pleased that Senators in this committee today are acting like Arizonans—by putting aside partisan differences to get things done.”