Sinema Discusses Need for Federal Government to Make Good on Its Promises to Tribal Communities

Jul 16, 2019

Senator highlighted how an accurate census count will help ensure tribal communities in Arizona receive the services they deserve
WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema spoke at a Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing and discussed the importance of ensuring the federal government makes good on its promises and provides tribal communities the services they deserve. Sinema highlighted that an accurate census count is the first step in ensuring tribal communities have the necessary services and opportunities to succeed.
“We must have an accurate census count to ensure the government honors its obligations to tribal communities in Arizona, including critical education and health care services,” said Sinema.
Sinema has long been a champion for tribal communities in Arizona. Recently, Sinema introduced the RESPECT Act, which repeals several outdated federal laws that discriminate against Native Americans. Sinema is also working to expand broadband and connectivity for tribes in Arizona and recently applauded federal grants that will help tribal communities with economic development.