Sinema Discusses Workforce & Funding Priorities with National Air Traffic Controllers Association

May 10, 2023

Senator is working to ensure Arizona needs are met in the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with Arizona members of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) to discuss their priorities ahead of the approaching Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization deadline.
“Arizonans need properly staffed and trained air traffic controllers for safety and efficiency when flying. We’re working to ensure safe and reliable air travel for Arizonans now and into the future,” said Sinema.
The FAA was reauthorized in October 2018 for a five-year period – extending the FAA’s funding and authorities through Fiscal Year 2023. In September of last year, Sinema chaired a subcommittee hearing highlighting opportunities to strengthen aviation safety and operations in Arizona and across America in the upcoming FAA reauthorization.
Sinema’s bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs law – sweeping legislation the Senator wrote, negotiated, and led through Congress – includes a historic $25 billion in additional investments for aviation infrastructure. Specifically, Sinema’s law includes $5 billion in grants for strengthening Air Traffic Control towers and infrastructure.
Federally certified in 1987, NATCA represents nearly 20,000 highly skilled air traffic controllers, engineers, and other aviation safety-related professionals and is the exclusive bargaining representative for air traffic controllers employed by the FAA.
