Sinema To Help Lead Subcommittee Tasked with Regulatory Reform

Jan 24, 2019

Senator Becomes Top Democrat on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Subcommittee

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema was named ranking member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management where she will continue fighting for commonsense regulatory reforms that help Arizona’s economy grow.

“Cutting red tape in Washington helps businesses across Arizona thrive,” said Sinema. “I look forward to working with Chairman Lankford as we identify commonsense reforms that help grow our economy and create jobs.”

Throughout her time in Congress, Sinema has made cutting unnecessary and overly burdensome regulations a top priority. Sinema cosponsored the bipartisan Comprehensive Regulatory Review Act (CRRA), which requires federal agencies to evaluate financial regulations every seven years to make sure they work as intended. She led the passage of the Fostering Innovation Act through the House, which helps promising biotech companies deliver life-saving treatments by eliminating costly and unnecessary auditing requirements. In 2017, Sinema introduced the bipartisan Regulatory Improvement Act, which eliminates outdated or redundant regulations for the purpose of reducing costs, encouraging growth and innovation, improving competitiveness, and protecting public safety. She also championed the HALOS Act, which clarifies confusing regulations for Arizona startups and passed the House in 2017. In 2015, Sinema introduced the AUDIT Act, which eliminates duplicative federal programs and wasteful spending identified by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office.