Sinema Holds Roundtable Discussion with Northern Arizona Veterans and Northern Arizona VA Hospital

Aug 19, 2019

Discussion topics included challenges veterans face accessing VA care and ensuring veterans receive the care they’ve earned   

FLAGSTAFF – Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema held a roundtable discussion with veterans from northern Arizona, leaders of veterans service organizations, and representatives from the Northern Arizona VA Hospital to discuss current challenges veterans face when accessing health care. The discussion focused on legislative solutions and how public-private partnerships can bridge gaps to ensure veterans receive the care they have earned.
“Arizona veterans deserve the highest standard of care from the VA. I will continue listening to our veteran community and holding the VA accountable to ensure our veterans receive the services they’ve earned,” said Sinema. 
Sinema has led multiple successful efforts to strengthen services and protections for Arizona veterans. Her LEGION Act, which extends American Legion membership to honorably discharged veterans since World War II, was recently signed into law. Additionally, Sinema’s bipartisan Protecting Affordable Mortgages for Veterans Act, which safeguards veterans from predatory loan practices and helps them more easily access their earned homeowner benefits, was also signed into law. 
While in the U.S. House, Sinema cosponsored the VA MISSION Act, which is now law. The VA MISSION Act helps veterans receive care when they don’t live near a VA facility or when the VA can’t provide them with timely or specialty medical care. Sinema has also led the charge to reform the VA by being an original cosponsor of the VA Accountability Act and by supporting the VA Choice Act, both of which were signed into law. Additionally, Sinema worked with the family of Sgt. Daniel Somers, an Arizona veteran who lost his life to suicide, to introduce and successfully get signed into law the Sgt. Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act which ensures veterans who serve in a classified capacity can get private counseling from the VA.