Sinema Hosts Call with Huachuca 50, Provides Update on Coronavirus Response Efforts and Fort Huachuca Military Construction Funding

Jun 24, 2020

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema held a call with members of the Huachuca 50 to discuss response efforts on Arizona’s growing coronavirus outbreak, provide updates on the National Defense Authorization Act and funding for critical Fort Huachuca projects, and answer questions. 
“Fort Huachuca plays a critical role in America’s national defense and Arizona’s security. We must ensure Fort Huachuca servicemembers remain healthy and the base remains well-resourced,” said Sinema.
In today’s call Sinema noted that she is expecting a $33.7 million military construction project for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Laboratory Building located at Fort Huachuca be included in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act. This is exciting project shows the Army is still investing in the long-term sustainability of Fort Huachuca. Additionally, Sinema highlighted how the Army is reprogramming $30 million for a Ground Transport Equipment Building, a project funded years ago, but had the money pulled for wall construction. Sinema has been working to backfill these funds since they were taken.
In April, Sinema hosted a call with defense leaders and leaders from all five Arizona military installations to discuss specific coronavirus-related concerns and hear how to access coronavirus relief resources.
Fort Huachuca is home to the U.S. Army’s Intelligence Center of Excellence, which produces top Army intelligence Soldiers and officers. Fort Huachuca is the largest employer in Cochise County and it has the largest economic impact of any military installation in Arizona. In 2017, Arizona estimated Fort Huachuca is directly or indirectly responsible for more than 21,000 jobs, nearly $1 billion in wages, and $2.9 billion in output. In 2016, Fort Huachuca had a population of about 5,000 active duty servicemembers, 7,400 military family members, and 6,800 civilian employees.