Sinema Joins Tribal Leaders to Discuss Senate Priorities

Mar 15, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema joined the Intertribal Association of Arizona to hear directly about the issues that matter to Arizona tribal communities and affirm her commitment to ensure their tribal sovereignty is respected.
“I’ll continue working with Arizona’s tribal communities to ensure the federal government makes good on its promises, tribal sovereignty is respected, and that we expand jobs and educational opportunities for all Arizonans,” said Sinema.
Sinema has worked with the Intertribal Association of Arizona since her time in the State Legislature. 
In the U.S. House, Sinema worked with Republican Congressman Andy Biggs to introduce and pass a law to bring the AMBER Alert system to tribal communities.
Sinema has also routinely worked across the aisle to support Impact Aid, and last year she helped secure $86 million in increased Impact Aid funding. Impact Aid provides critical funding to schools on tribal land. Arizona receives the most Impact Aid funding in the country, and for many tribal school districts, it totals more than half of their overall funding. The funding builds and maintains public schools, pays our teachers, and ensures Native children have opportunities to succeed.
Additionally, Sinema recently helped introduce the bipartisan VA Tribal Advisory Act, which establishes a VA Advisory Committee on Tribal and Indian Affairs and improves VA outreach, health care, and benefits for Native American veterans.